The brief
Luminary supported the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) in appointing several Senior Executives positions and Director positions. With six executives reporting to the CEO, we required seasoned executives to take the organisation on a cultural transformation journey. The focus of these positions is to lead the delivery of best-practice, high-quality services to the community they serve. We then assisted in recruiting 15 further leadership positions throughout the organisation.
The solution
A comprehensive briefing process was undertaken with the five independent selection panels, seeking to appoint values-based leaders who could transform the organisation, inspire the staff, reinstate a high-performing culture and build trusted relationships with a wide range of stakeholders.
Luminary conducted a full nationwide search supported by social media. We approached executives across relevant sectors who had strong backgrounds in transformation and change management.
The result
Successful appointments commenced in five executive positions between March 2022 and December 2022 and Directors recruited throughout 2023.